Senior photos, without a doubt, one of my favorite types of sessions to photograph. No matter what generation you grew up in, what your hobbies were or who you walked through the halls with, the time you spent in high school holds some of the most significant memories of your youth. So it’s no surprise that […]
August 4, 2015… Day 1. We set off on our adventure with a prayer & some tears. There was no set plan, but the plan didn’t matter. We were together, on OUR journey. Everything else was just icing on the cake. AZ —–> MD We saw the most gorgeous places, tasted a […]
change (verb): To make or become different This word stirs up a lot of feelings in people. excitement. fear. intrigue. anxiety. I’ve felt every single one of those in the last couple weeks.. and then some. So what’s at the root of this melting pot of emotions? Well… in a few short months, my little band of humans […]